Birth Name. Sooha A. Park
Filipino Name. Himig Alonte
Nickname/s. Soo, Hasoo, Alon, Himig
Birthplace. Jeonju, South Korea
Birthday. April 16th, 2001
Alternate Universe. Pro-Ice Hockey Player, 1st year College Student (Culinary Arts Major)
Face Claim/s. STAYC Park Sieun, Side (NMIXX Haewon, XG Juria, LE SSERAFIM Kazuha, Actress Jihu Park)
Appearance. Stands at 159 cm tall with dark chocolate-colored hair. Often clad in blue, red, or white hockey gear on the rink. Off the rink, Himig dresses in comfortable clothing, usually in long sleeves or pants since she gets cold easily (how ironic) Always has a big heavy training bag on her shoulder or lower back
Scent. Flower by Kenzo L'Absolue
Likes. Katsudon, hot chocolate, cooking, reading, watching old films, wearing slippers/slides, skating
Dislikes. Falling on the ice, way too aggressive hockey players, waking up early, beans, male hockey team

Pronouns. She/Her Sexuality. Pansexual
Personality. (+) hardworking, team player, leader mentality, always ready to do anything. (-) impatient, can get overly competitive, likes winning, can come off rude or annoyed by everything, loud
Hockey Player Information. #37, 1st line center striker and team captain. Played hockey summer camps in the Philippines and club matches under PSAU
Status. Single
Current living space. A university dorm in Seoul, South Korea. Goes home to Makati, Metro Manila during the summers and holidays.
Non-playable AU Characters. 1. Coach Sangwon Park, Sooha's father and ice hockey coach. They have a rocky father-daughter relationship which makes Sooha resent him at times, especially on the ice. 2. Marjorie Alonte, Sooha's Filipina mother, her best friend at times, and her teammate whenever her dad pushes her too far. Marjorie wanted Sooha to pursue ice skating instead of hockey.

BACKSTORY. " Soo-ha! Did you score that? " I blinked at my father's question, glancing at the empty soda can I had hit with dad's old hockey stick. He picks me up in the air and he starts laughing and smiling like he's found a leprechaun's treasure chest. I laugh along with him, this is what happiness feels like?" Soo-ha! Try aiming sideways, with your power coming from your core and forearms. " I nod, slapping the puck into the top right corner of the goal. My dad laughs again, clapping for his daughter who just turned nine. This is fun!" Soo-ha, you'll do great. You're always great. " I stared at my father, the bars in front of my helmet blocking him from seeing the nervous look in my eyes. My first ever game and I already feel like I can't fail. He knocks playfully on my helmet, pulling me into a hug and wishing me good luck. He doesn't hug me anymore." Soo-ha! Get up! " I can't. I see my father focused on me, my tired, aching body struggling to get up from the icy floor. A referee comes to check on me and I feel the world cave in. I can't read my father's face. Is he worried about me? Is he worried I've lost the game? Is he still worried about me? I was benched for the rest of the game. I must work harder, I must last longer, I must be better.

Soo-ha was 12 when her parents divorced. She had hockey to keep her mind off of it, choosing to ignore the numbness in her fingers for hanging out in the practice rink too long instead of heading home and watching her parents choose between who owned what items. Sometimes she sits at the top of the stairs, listening to what they argue about since she can't fall asleep knowing her parents aren't okay.Soo-ha, why must you be loved to feel whole? I cling to my mother as much as I can, blocking out the call of the intercom saying her plane is boarding passengers. She laughs softly, commenting about how I was never a hugger but here I was stuck to her like a koala. Mom, why did you have to leave me? She tells me that hockey isn't everything and I break down. She consoles me for different reasons. Why couldn't she just say she wanted me to go with her?The car ride back home is silent and I don't bother asking my dad where we're headed next. I spot the brochure way before he even tells me of his plan. I become a ghost shortly after that day, hockey turning into my way of hiding my emotions, I lose the once happy relationship I had with my father and instead watched him become a thorn-filled rose, and finally, I scroll past the happy reminders from my mother that I was merely someone from her past; envious that I no longer recurred in her present or future.

DISCLAIMER. Sooha and the author Shione are not affiliated with High-up Entertainment, STAYC, and Park Sieun. The character created is not a reflection of the face claim nor meant to discredit and hate the artist used for portrayal. I do not own any of the photos or videos posted unless stated otherwise. All are used for roleplaying purposes only. If wanting to pre-est a relationship, do reach out to me through direct messages! I promise I don't bite hehe. Brainstorming is greatly appreciated and welcome when planning the pre-est. Strictly in character. I will not acknowledge any out-of-character conversations unless we are close. Uses (&) when the author is speaking.HEADCANNONS. 1. Has a shoulder problem her parents don't know about. 2. Is either staying up late to cook or on the rink 3. Has a younger half-brother named Henry who is 6 years old. 4. Sooha's parents divorced when she was 12, and her mother remarried and lives in the Philippines. Her parents have joint custody over Soo-ha. Marjorie gets her during the summers and holidays, the rest of the time she lives with Sangwon. 5. Himig recently rekindled her relationship with her biological older brother Robin (@proxeity).

BEFORE YOU FOLLOW. My operator is of age (18). Plotting fragments of lore intended for pre-establishing a relationship of any theme discussed prior will be allowed. Please use tone tags when interacting with me especially if we aren't close. If I have done something wrong do reach out to me via direct messages.PLOT STYLE 3rd person point of view in descriptive literature but can mirror plot mate. Can be done either in eng or fil, though is more comfortable plotting in English. Can interact either on the timeline or in direct messages, doesn't matter.DO NOT FOLLOW IF. Under 16. I do not follow back Twitter accounts that have no relation to roleplaying. If you don't have your pronouns or age visible anywhere on your profile I will not be following back. You fit basic dnfi critera, overuses aave (i'm still learning too! please let me know if i'm using a term as i could be unaware of it).OPERATOR INFORMATION. 2004. She / Her. Himig can become inactive at times due to university and other agendas. Writer account (@qieons)